Saturday, July 14, 2007


hehe im like blogging(duh!) no but my mom was in a good mood today so she bought me this cool clip and i wanted to perm my hair so that it would go one side (frinch) and ya... so i have this blue thing on my head right now haha :)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

yay today no school !happy happy :) but got tuition hai ! math and chinese ahya. but eant to watch harry porter soon hopefully tomorrow or something :) to run 1.6 on mon. thinking of getting mc hehe !
today was super blur. had to run 1.2 for p.e and after that i felt like puking and was dizzy. lisa had a tummy ache :( i also lost my bottle and spent one period looking for it but wasnt anywhere . then lauren said it could have been auctioned and sold ! hai ! after school, i took the wrong bus home and almost landed in chua chu kang ! but thank God i dropped off earlier. aiya! so blur. and now i having a headache and it feels like someones hitting my head ai !

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

hai had oral today... aerin is sick boo hoo ... anyway oral was ok lah for chinese i had like a brain freeze completely blank so for the picture i think i failed :( english was ok stupid of me to bring up the word "global warming" cus she started talking to me bout that and sheesh i didnt know blah

Monday, July 9, 2007

today was really funny. zhong yuen had esma attack and rina got some weird zombie problem both at the same time ! haha so m. wee was like panicking . poor them! then during recess and lunch aerin and i skipped both meals and went to the library to read harry porter so book worm right ?haha then i had to take a bus and power walk home cus i got to reach home within 10 min. which was really tired concidering i didnt eat at all since last night so ya ... so i just finished tuition yay ! and shes coming again tomorrow cuz i have oral on wed. blah !

Saturday, July 7, 2007

yay im a happy little nut ! hehe. hai ! tomorrow sunday ... :) then its monday... oh grrrr.... monday blues... :( well i got nothing to say bout today . v. boring but i got a new idea for my room gonna make it deep dark red and nice lah i hope haha

Friday, July 6, 2007

haha lets start with today . now im blogging duh hehe my dad and his company downstairs ... got one chap. father own island creamery cool ! ha he aparently invented (the chap not father) the revers-o cool right ! so now they r drinking wine and swigging beer .

in school m. wee didnt come again and so got relief teacher ha so fun ! then during supp. class got 3 whole hours of math . but good ol' miss chan let us have a lot of breaks here and there ... so thats today

yesterday i went little india . and got hanaa on my ankle and both hands ha . sarah w. and rebekah did one hand and sonia did our ahem SC school badge on the other and yinling and i did my ankle ha its quite good actually hehe .